not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes.
For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being
caught."(Proverbs 3:25-26)
Too often, we are busy concentrating on the
circumstances around us, and not enough on the Word of God. We worry about
almost everything in life and doubt arises from fear. We don't have to do
anything, but believe that God will be our shield as He has promised. If a
doubt arises, don't give up. That is what Satan wants you to do. Keep speaking
God's Word and it will be done. There is ultimate POWER in the
Word of God. God wants us to have confidence and trust in Him and not in
ourselves. God allowed Paul and Timothy to experience great hardships in
the Roman province of Asia to teach them: “that we should not trust in ourselves but in
God” God’s grace has many marvelous
results, but one is the God-given power to obey His will (see Titus 2:11-12).
Proverbs 3:5 urges: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own
understanding.” Whenever we as believers fall into the sin of being
self-confident instead of having God as our confidence, we must confess and
turn from this sin. With God as our confidence, there is nothing that can
defeat whatever are His wonderful purposes for our lives. As Romans 8:31
stresses: “If God is
for us, who can be against us?” God does not want us to live by fear,
anxiety, depression, self-condemnation and self-hatred. If we start to hate
ourselves, in a way we are condemning God’s creation. Instead He wants them to
be the most confident people on Earth. The
confidence that God wants us to have is the confidence in God. God does not
want us to be self confidence and boast about ourselves in front of him.
Presence is everywhere and not just in heaven. Even when we boast to others on
Earth about ourselves, we are sinning by boasting before God. In Romans
1:30-31, Paul reveals that boasting deserves severe punishment by God. Indeed
we should honour God and thank God for the blessings that he has given us. God
even thought us not to honour ourselves but to honour others as said in the Ten
Commandments, Honour your father and your mother.
We should honour
our parents, widows and political leaders. Husbands should honour their wives.
Wives should show respect to their husbands. We should honour all
humans regardless of how sinful they are living or how lowly society
regards them. But our
honouring of others should always be less than how much we honour God
and Jesus Christ. He has given them as parents, political leaders, husbands
and/or simply because they were created by Him.
James 2:18 states: “But
someone will say, ‘You have faith, and I have works.’ Show me your faith
without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” which reveal
a living dependent faith in Jesus Christ will result in good works or “works of
faith”. Some people imagine that strong faith involves only receiving blessings
and miracles for themselves all the time. But really strong faith is evidenced
by people who cling to God no matter how bad the circumstances. Psalm 23:4: “Yea,
though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.”
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